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Indicator Gauge Icon Legend
Legend Colors
Red is bad, green is good, blue is not statistically different/neutral.
Compared to Distribution
the value is in the best half of communities.
the value is in the 2nd worst quarter of communities.
the value is in the worst quarter of communities.
Compared to Target
meets target; does not meet target.
Compared to a Single Value
lower than the comparison value; higher than the comparison value; not statistically different from comparison value.
non-significant change over time; significant change over time; no change over time.
Compared to Prior Value
higher than the previous measurement period; lower than the previous measurement period; no statistically different change from previous measurement period.
Education / Educational Attainment
Education / Educational Attainment
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher
Compared to:
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002843
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002843
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 678 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 72,386 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002844
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002844
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002845
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002845
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002846
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002846
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002847
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002847
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002848
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002848
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002849
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002849
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002850
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002850
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002851
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002851
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002852
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002852
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002853
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002853
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002901
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002901
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002902
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002902
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002905
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002905
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002915
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002915
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002916
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002916
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002919
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002919
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002935
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002935
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002936
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002936
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002937
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002937
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002938
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002938
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002939
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002939
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002940
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002940
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002941
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002941
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002942
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002942
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002944
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002944
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002946
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002946
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002947
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002947
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002948
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002948
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002949
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002949
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002950
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002950
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002951
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002951
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 678 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 72,386 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002952
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002952
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002953
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002953
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002954
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002954
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002956
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002956
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002957
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002957
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002958
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002958
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002961
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002961
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002962
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002962
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002964
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002964
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002965
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002965
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002966
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002966
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002967
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002967
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002968
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002968
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002969
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002969
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002970
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002970
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002974
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002974
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002975
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002975
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002976
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002976
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002977
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002977
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002978
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002978
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002979
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002979
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002980
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002980
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002981
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002981
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002982
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002982
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002983
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002983
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002984
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002984
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 678 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 72,386 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002985
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002985
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002995
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002995
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002996
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002996
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002997
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002997
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002998
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003002998
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003001
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003001
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003003
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003003
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003004
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003004
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003005
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003005
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003006
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003006
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003102
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003102
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003103
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003103
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003104
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003104
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003204
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003204
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003208
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003208
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003210
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003210
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003211
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003211
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003213
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003213
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003214
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003214
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003215
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003215
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003218
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003218
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003219
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003219
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003220
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003220
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003222
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003222
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003223
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003223
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003226
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003226
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003227
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003227
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003228
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003228
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003229
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003229
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003230
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003230
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 678 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 72,386 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003231
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003231
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 678 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 72,386 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003232
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003232
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 678 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 72,386 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003233
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003233
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003234
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003234
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003235
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003235
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003236
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003236
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003237
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003237
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003238
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003238
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 678 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 72,386 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003239
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003239
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003240
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003240
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003241
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003241
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003242
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003242
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003243
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003243
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003244
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003244
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003245
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003245
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003246
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003246
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003247
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003247
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003248
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003248
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003249
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003249
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003250
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003250
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003251
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003251
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003252
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003252
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003253
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003253
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003254
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003254
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003260
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003260
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003261
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003261
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003262
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003262
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003263
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003263
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003264
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003264
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003265
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003265
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003266
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003266
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003267
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003267
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003268
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003268
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003269
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003269
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003270
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003270
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003303
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003303
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003305
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003305
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003306
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003306
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003307
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003307
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003308
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003308
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003309
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003309
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003310
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003310
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 678 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 72,386 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003311
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003311
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003312
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003312
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003313
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003313
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003314
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003314
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003315
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003315
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003316
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003316
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003317
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003317
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003318
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003318
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003319
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003319
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003320
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003320
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003321
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003321
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003322
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003322
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003323
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003323
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003408
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003408
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003409
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003409
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003410
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003410
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003411
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003411
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003412
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003412
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003413
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003413
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003414
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher Census Tract: 32003003414
Compared to:
NV Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 772 Nevada census tracts.
U.S. Census Tracts
The distribution is based on data from 82,720 U.S. census tracts.
Clark, NV County Value
The regional value is compared to the Clark County value.
This comparison measures the indicator’s values over multiple time periods.<br>The Mann-Kendall Test for Statistical Significance is used to evaluate the trend<br>over 4 to 10 periods of measure, subject to data availability and comparability.