Links to Local Community Health Coalitions
The mission of the Southern Nevada Breastfeeding Coalition (SNBC) is to inspire, educate and build community support to make breastfeeding the norm for infant feeding in Nevada. The SNBC was formed in 1992 to serve as an advocate and resource for breastfeeding families throughout Southern Nevada. We offer educational training and events to provide opportunities to learn about lactation management. We welcome breastfeeding parents, local physicians, lactation professions, nurses, WIC employees and anyone else who has a passion to support and improve breastfeeding rates.
Currently, Nevada isn't making the grade when it comes to the safety, education, and health of our children. By building consensus around priorities and leveraging our collective strength toward real changes in policy and practice, The Children's Advocacy Alliance ensures that every child has a chance to thrive. And when our children thrive, Nevada thrives. |
Community Partners for Better Health (CPBH) exists to focus attention and resources for the elimination of disparities of health status between people of color and non-minorities. We work diligently to improve and/or eliminate the alarming statistics associated with the disparities of disease processes and the treatment of preventable diseases. Our ultimate goal is to improve the health status of people of color. |
The mission of Get Healthy Clark County is to mobilize communities, develop innovative, evidence-based programs and advocate for policies that support healthy lifestyles, healthy communities and the elimination of health disparities. Get Healthy Clark County is our community-focused partner website. Please access it to see our various community projects, priorities, Apps, toolkits, and social media feeds!
La mision de Viva Saludable es movilizar comunidades, desarrollar programas innovadores basados en evidencia y abogar por políticas que apoyen estilos de vida saludables, comunidades saludables y la eliminación de las disparidades de salud. Viva Saludable es nuestro sitio web enfocado en socios enfocados a la comunidad. ¡Por favor ingrese para ver nuestros numerosos proyectos comunitarios, prioridades, Apps, herramientas y redes sociales! |
The Nevada Cancer Coalition (NCC) unites and leads community partners to improve the health of Nevadans through cancer prevention and early detection, education, and advocacy. | |
The Nevada Medical Center (NMC) was founded by the inspired vision of the late Eric M. Hilton and launched by the NMC Officers and Board of Directors and leadership team. NMC is a Nevada non-profit corporation created for the purpose of enhancing the lives of all Nevadans and visitors through improved access to quality healthcare.
The purpose the Nevada Minority Health & Equity Coalition (NMHEC) is to provide the resources that will ensure all Nevada residents can have a healthy, productive life. To eliminate health disparities through research, education, advocacy and access to health care services for minority populations. |
Nevada Office of Minority Health and Equity - Pursuant to NRS 232.474, the mission of the State of Nevada Office of Minority Health and Equity (NOMHE) is: To improve the quality of health care services for members of minority groups; To increase access to health care services for members of minority groups; To disseminate information to and to educate the public on matters concerning health care issues of members of minority groups.
The mission of the Nevada Tobacco Prevention Coalition is to improve the health of all Nevadans by reducing the burden of tobacco use and nicotine addiction. We believe that reduction in the use of tobacco and in the exposure to secondhand smoke and e-cigarette aerosol will create healthier lifestyles, longer lives, and a healthier environment for the people of Nevada.
The PACT Coalition seeks to empower Southern Nevada with the resources to prevent substance abuse for all ages and promote recovery through culturally competent advocacy, education, stigma reduction, support, and outreach. A diverse cross-section of community leadership is represented by the PACT Coalition that will work together to ensure a sustainable future and a healthier community.
Partners for a Healthy Nevada (PHN), formed in 2006, is Southern Nevada’s official obesity prevention coalition. The coalition offers networking, information sharing, and advocacy opportunities for all members as well as a chance to support community projects and activities that encourage physical activity and healthy eating. Membership is free and open to any organization or individual that has an interest in obesity prevention.
The Southern Nevada Food Council will leverage the collective resources, expertise and passion of Southern Nevadans to influence the creation of equitable and sustainable food environment through education and policy.
The Southern Nevada Maternal and Child Health Coalition is a voluntary group of individuals and public and private agencies that advocate for perinatal, maternal and child health services in the Southern Nevada region.
Southern Nevada Strong is a collaborative effort to plan, create and sustain neighborhoods where residents can have access to quality education, a variety of housing choices, good-paying jobs and transportation options. |
Healthy Southern Nevada - Want us to post a link to your local health coalition? Just send us your information and a link to our Contact Us. | |