2022-2025 Southern Nevada
Community Health Improvement Plan
Community Engagement
A community in which all segments of the populations are involved, as illustrated by volunteerism, engagement in education, public/ private partnerships, increased social capital and participation in public dialog
A community supported by visionary leadership, both public and private
A community that values education as illustrated by allocation of needed resources, high school graduation rates that equal or exceed national norms, and lifelong learning opportunities
A community where an educated workforce attracts diversified business and contributes to a strong, sustainable economy
Southern Nevada Community Values
Vision: Healthy People in Healthy Communities - Working Together to Improve Health and Ensure Health Equity in Southern Nevada
A community where high quality mental and physical health care is accessible to all residents, including including individuals who are poor and underserved
A community that recognizes the interaction of policies, systems, and the environment on health and supports public policies that promote health and prevent disease
A community where residents feel safe, have access to life-sustaining resources such as clean air and water, and reside in nurturing surroundings that meet their needs for self-respect, interaction with others, recreation and connection with nature
A community that values and respects the contributions of many cultures to the quality of life
A community that supports changes to the built environment that promote healthy, active lifestyles