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Resource Library

The Resource Library allows you to locate resources that help make your community a healthier place. If you have a resource you think should be included, please submit it here.

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Resource Collections

Funding Opportunities

Explore funding opportunities that can help you improve the health and well-being of your community.

Past CHA and CHIP Reports

This collection holds all historical CHA and CHIP reports for the Southern Nevada Health District.

Socio-Economic Characteristics of Communities

The geographic distribution of health outcomes often reflects socio-demographic disparities of communities, such as in poverty, unemployment, educational attainment, race/ethnicity, linguistic isolation, etc.
Type Title Topics Resource Date

Medical encounters for opioid-related intoxications in Southern Nevada: sociodemographic and clinical correlates

Medical Encounters for Opioid-related intoxications

Location: Clark (County)

Health, Health / Alcohol & Drug Use, Health / Other Conditions August 30, 2016